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Tag: communication theory

When Politicians Don’t Seem to Know How Words Work

When Politicians Don’t Seem to Know How Words Work

Okay, so there’s been a lot going on lately, so it’s entirely possible you’ve missed this particular item being communicated from our vitally important alt governmental folks. Apparently, as part of the recent initiatives to “freeze DEI activity” across different kinds of academic research, including medical research, there’s a list of specific words they’re looking for in order to “find DEI research.” Since then, the same list of words have been circulating to make sure no one uses them in…

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What’s in a Hashtag? #DefundThePolice and the Politics of Interpretation

What’s in a Hashtag? #DefundThePolice and the Politics of Interpretation

It’s been coming up a lot lately. People will ask me, as someone who specializes in communication studies, what I think about the #DefundthePolice hashtag. The implication is always that if the movement just marketed itself better people would be on board. OR people will show willful misunderstanding of the movement in their response to similar matters, as a troll on the AS FB page did earlier this week. The present article will unwrap the communication dynamics behind these kind…

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